Motherhood Outdoors with Guest Writer Janelle Keeler

In the beginning of January I learned about the 1000 Hours Outside challenge which motivates families of all ages to get outside all throughout the year. The challenge itself was created by a mom of young kids who found that spending time outside each day, regardless of the weather, improved her experience of motherhood and her children’s moods and attitudes. Ginny, the creator of this outdoor movement, felt overwhelmed by the task of raising and entertaining small children at all hours of the day. But when she took her kids outside, she felt more empowered and in control over how they experienced their time together. I resonated so much with Ginny’s feelings of overwhelm, and if I’m being honest sometimes the daily grind of motherhood is daunting! So when I saw her joy and excitement in her season of mothering five young kids through outdoor play, I knew we needed to start implementing this challenge!


Beginning a challenge like this in the coldest month of the year was a little ironic! But I also knew that if we could get outside at least thirty minutes a day for the month of January, we’d be able to accomplish anything. So we bundled! It became a daily routine to layer on several pants, shirts, sweatshirts, and every outer layer we had available before trekking out the door each morning. We would play at the playground, go for a walk, meet friends at a nearby park and freeze together! If I was at work for the day, my husband would courageously do the same and make sure the kids were getting outside. And through a special app I was logging our hours with the goal of reaching our 1000 hours by the end of 2022. But before long I got caught up in the task of getting outside and forgot about my why.

The reason Ginny created this challenge is for the overall benefit of the family. Time outside is clinically proven to be physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally healthier for young kids than spending that time inside. When kids are thriving, moms thrive, and therefore the family as a whole does too. But I had lost sight of this and the goal, or rather task, of being outside for 1000 hours created a dislike for our time in nature rather than it being a source of joy. So I adjusted my goal and released the need to meet all 1000 hours. Instead, our mission for 2022 is to make sure we are at least getting outside every single day, rain or shine. Shifting my mindset from meeting a number and a deadline to making sure we are outside enjoying nature and each other has helped bring me back to what I wanted from this challenge overall: joy and excitement in my motherhood journey.


Ginny also created a fabulous podcast where she interviews outdoor enthusiasts, early childhood specialists, teachers, gardeners, and even scientists who all talk about the benefits of outdoor play for young children. Through this podcast I have learned and changed my tune about so much when it comes to parenting my kids and leading them through life. But most significantly it has kept me coming back to the why of being outside. It serves the whole family when we get outside of the four walls of our home to soak up the sunshine, breathe the fresh air, and challenge our physicality through movement. We are only three months in to our modified 1000 hours outside challenge, but I can already tell that our lives are forever changed by this mission. We have a deep appreciation and gratitude for the outdoors and we are learning to enjoy one another in the setting of the beautiful creation around us.

I hope that you are encouraged and inspired to get outside, too! Every little bit counts and your body and mind, and especially your family, will thank you.

Janelle Keeler

Janelle is a mom of two and a self-proclaimed outfit-repeater. She runs the account @hellokeeler over on Instagram which is chock-full of all kinds of sustainable and wellness tips. She is passionate about practical sustainability and inspiring others to live intentionally.


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